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 Top > Shows and Events > Showjumping
Preview by Thumbshots Capital Classic Show Jumping Tournament
Held at the beautiful 270 acre Nepean National Equestrian Park located minutes from downtown Ottawa, this A-show features the $70,000 Big Ben Memorial Grand Prix.
http://www.capitalclassic.ca - preview

Visited 1603 times  -  Rating 0.14 Total Votes: 7  -  Rate This Site  -  Added: 14/05/2001
Preview by Thumbshots Collingwood Horse Show
An amazing A level Hunter/Jumper Show in beautiful Collingwood Ontario, run by the famous Jay Hayes and family. Also includes 2 $50,000 Grand Prix Events!
http://www.collingwoodhorseshow.com - preview

Visited 1256 times  -  Rating 0.00 Total Votes: 2  -  Rate This Site  -  Added: 31/07/2000
Preview by Thumbshots Edmonton Northlands Horse Show, Alberta
May 28 to June 2, 2002 Recognized Hunter/Jumper Show ($100,000 Prize money)````````Entries close May 17, 2002. Entry form/Prize List on line.
http://www.edmonton-horseshow.org - preview

Visited 1094 times  -  Rating 0.00 Total Votes: 2  -  Rate This Site  -  Added: 17/04/2002
Preview by Thumbshots Hunter / Jumper Shows (PRIMARY Level)
Complete prizelist and entry forms available on web site. Year end championship awards and stake classes offered in each division. Excellent and safe facilities for the up and coming competitor.
http://www.bluestarfarm.com - preview

Visited 1515 times  -  Rating 2.00 Total Votes: 4  -  Rate This Site  -  Added: 06/07/2000
Preview by Thumbshots Hunter Jumper Sporthorse Auction
Sign up now, and sell your horse and tack at the Woodline Winter Horse Auction, to be hosted by Woodline Equestrian on Sunday, March 8th, 2009. Trainer or Buyer's Agent Cash incentive of 5% of sale price... There will be an open house, and pre-viewing of the horses on Saturday the 7th, for schooling and to give buyers an early peak at the horses. Saturday will be for viewing and trial of the horses, and Sunday will be the sale. Sign up today! The sooner you register, the sooner we can start advertising your horses!
http://www.woodline-eq.com/winterauction - preview

Visited 958 times  -  Rating 2.64 Total Votes: 11  -  Rate This Site  -  Added: 13/11/2008
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